Opal just gem.png


3 years - Ratio: 5:1 - 45 min.

This class is designed for the energetic 3 year old. Our teachers realize that 3 year-olds are fun, full of life, can be rowdy, full of imagination and are experiencing their first time without mom or dad at their side. That is what makes these gems so lovable! Going into the gym without parents can sometimes be scary and can be a challenge at this age, but our staff is prepared with extra loving these gems need.  Your child’s teacher will work with you to make the transition of being in the gym without you as quick and painless as possible.  Our curriculum is focused on building motor movements, coordination, strength and flexibility and is designed to teach children basic gymnastics skills and classroom procedures. In the 45 minute class, our gems will have fun using their imaginations, swing on the bars, balance on the beams, and jump on the trampoline. Goals for the Opal class:


  1. To transition from a Parent/Tot environment to a child-only class.

  2. To introduce the student to a classroom setting and begin teaching classroom skills like sharing, waiting for their turn & listening to a teacher.

  3. To teach gymnastics skills in an environment that is safe and developmentally appropriate for the age of the student.